How To Choose the Perfect Guest Bed & Mattress

Posted on July 13th, 2021 by woodleysadmin.

How To Choose the Perfect Guest Bed & Mattress

If you have guests that might occasionally spend the night in your home, it’s important to be able to provide them with a comfortable place to sleep. At our bedroom furniture store in Lakewood, you’ll discover a range of stylish beds, furniture, and mattresses to give your overnight guests the ultimate comfortable experience. Before you shop, read on to learn how to choose the perfect guest bed based on your home, your needs, and your guests’ preferences.

Consider a Sofa Bed

A sofa bed, or sleeper sofa, is a great choice for occasional guests, especially if you don’t have an extra bedroom. This versatile furniture looks like a sofa, but it’s easy to convert it to a bed whenever you need it. Sofa beds are basically sofas that contain a hidden mattress inside. Simple remove the cushions and open it up to reveal a comfortable supportive bed. You’ll find several sizes and styles at our bedroom furniture store in Colorado Springs, CO. This furniture is also great if you have a spare room but prefer to use it for other things until your guests arrive. Many sleeper sofas come in sizes as large as a king-size bed, too.

Choosing the Right Beds for Guests

If you do have an extra bedroom, be sure that you provide your guests with a comfortable bed. Depending on the size of the room, a queen or king-size bed is ideal so that they have plenty of space to stretch out. Try a beautiful master bedroom set to give the room a nice, sophisticated look. These matching furniture sets will make it easy to find everything you need in one single purchase. An added bonus? You can use the furniture from your extra master bedroom set for storage of your own clothing and accessories. It’s a great way to find a space for all of that overflow coming from your master closet. Overall, it’s the beds that matter most, so make sure you select something that’s comfortable and supportive, so your guests have a restful night of sleep.

How to Choose the Perfect Guest Bed: Comfortable Mattresses Matter

No matter what type of guest bed you choose, the mattress will make all the difference. Be sure to visit our mattress furniture store in Centennial, CO to find a wide variety of mattresses for every sleeping style. Ideally, the guest mattress should be soft and supportive, with a thickness of at least three inches or more. A copper mattress gives your guests a great night of sleep while it relieves those aches and pains that often come with travel. Try out a few mattresses yourself to determine which ones will be the most comfortable. Since your guests likely won’t stay for more than a few nights at a time, you don’t need to worry too much about the firmness level. In general, anything in a medium to firm design is usually ideal for all kinds of sleepers.

Add Functionality to the Guest Room

When thinking about how to choose the perfect guest bed, don’t forget the rest of the furniture, too. Adding some extras will make their overnight stay as accommodating as possible. Bring in bedroom chairs and bedroom tables, so they have a place to sit down and relax in private. Comfortable bedroom chairs like a nice chaise or a club chair are both excellent choices. Bedroom tables can include a small desk or a vanity. This will give your guests somewhere to get ready for the day or just to hang out before they start the rest of their day.

More Guest Bed Alternatives

If you’re not a fan of sleeper sofas, or you don’t have the room for a full-size bed, there are plenty of other options to consider. At our bedroom furniture store in Colorado Springs, CO, we carry a range of other furniture that can provide your guests with a comfortable place to sleep. A bunk bed is a good choice for kids who come to visit, and it also saves on floor space in your guest bedroom. Daybeds are a beautiful choice and feature a unique design that doubles as a loveseat or small sofa when someone isn’t sleeping on it. Fold-down futons are also great for occasional guests, too. Just remember that some of these alternatives are great for short-term stays, but people who plan to stay over for more than a few nights would be much more comfortable on an actual bed if you have the room.

Important Tips

As you look for the perfect guest bed and mattress, there are some key things to keep in mind. First, the thicker the mattress is, the more comfortable it’ll be. Twin-size beds are OK for teenagers or young adults, but you’ll want something much larger if you’re having an adult or a couple spend the night. You don’t have to choose anything too big, but a nice queen-size bed should do. Measure the size of your guest room before choosing beds so that you’re certain it will fit nicely in the room. Check the weight limit of bed frames, which should be listed either directly on the product or in the description. Sturdy bed frames made of metal or solid wood are best, especially if you’re offering overnight accommodations to adults.

Make the Experience Comfortable

The size of your guest bed and the type of mattress you choose are both important, but there are also a few other things you can do to maximize comfort. Top your guest bed with soft, warm bedding and comfortable pillows. Keep the temperature of the room at a comfortable level so that everyone sleeps soundly without feeling too hot or too cold. Reduce noise by adding some quality window treatments that block outside noise. When you pick the perfect guest bed and mattress, you’ll be able to design a beautiful room where all of your guests will have a wonderful, memorable stay.

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